ComunicazioneItaly, beauty is the only virus: the video that is exciting the...

Italy, beauty is the only virus: the video that is exciting the web

Over fifty thousand trips to Italy already booked and cancelled for the Coronavirus emergency. Visit Italy‘s response comes quickly, the new spot goes around the world.

Fifty thousand stays already booked and cancelled, plus tens of thousands of other cancelled quotes. These are the figures released by Assoviaggi Confesercenti regarding the impact of the new coronavirus outbreak on tourism in Italy. The coronavirus panic is causing an unprecedented crisis for Italian tourism and the impact could cost up to 4.5 billion to the country.

In these difficult days, the choice of Visit Italy (the online guide from Italy) to create a video describing the emotions that a trip to Italy can convey. In the video entitled “Italy, beauty to share” the feelings experienced by travelers and shared by them on Instagram are told in a masterful way. A campaign that in these hours is getting millions of views and support messages from users of every ethnicity and nationality (as you can read on the official facebook page of the channel).

Here is the video:

Marco Palermo
Marco Palermo
Esperto in comunicazione strategica e storytelling di brand, ha collaborato con alcuni dei principali leader globali, contribuendo a creare narrazioni di successo e strategie di impatto. Vive a Milano, dove coltiva la sua passione per lo sport, seguendo da vicino ogni partita della sua squadra del cuore, l'Olimpia Milano.